A day in a Minnesota Goose Guides Season

Sometimes the hardest things earned are the best things once obtained. Sometimes it takes extra effort. This goose hunt started the night before. Late Season goose hunt in Minnesota traditionally would involve snow, but that wasn't the case for this hunt. Warmer than usual weather had some birds using the river. .I started setting up for the hunt first by placing the ice eater in the pond after getting a hole open in the ice. Once that was set I started setting decoys, I spent over 6 hours working on the set in preparation. Not because I necessarily had to but because I wanted the morning to go a specific way. We had a good number of geese in the area, but we weren't right under their flight path. I knew we'd see geese but I didn't know how many I would be able to pull over for a closer look. I didn't want to waste any opportunity we might get. The first flock honkers that morning was a group of four. They came gliding right in, decoying perfectly. That flock had one goose wearing leg band. Turns out it was a 13 year old leg band from Manitoba. We ended the morning with a full, 5-man limit so it was a great morning in the pit either way. The band just made it a little sweeter.
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